Interestingly, the aspects of political leadership are hard to define in light of the fact that it is reliant on institutional, social and historical connections and circumstances both specific and general (Hirano, S., & Snyder, 2012). See Keller, Suzanne, Beyond the Ruling Class: Strategic Elites in Modern Society (New York, 1963), 179–80.Google Scholar. Intellectual ability 3. Transactional Leadership Theory: Transactional Leadership Theory emphasises the realisation of a desired outcome and result. Such distrust is only understood as the power of prevention which authorizes different veto in preventing excessive powers from leadership pressures. They must create an environment that encourages political integration through articulating and implementing effective policies. Iowa. Energy 6. Many disciplines have contributed to the study of leadership, including political theory, history, psychology and management studies. 1 An Anatomy of Leadership (New York, 1960), 2. Query parameters: { Matters of leadership and management, as well as political initiatives from the national to the global levels, are generally and effectively seen as a subtype of human social administration. Social surroundings cannot be reduced natural or technological creatures that are outside for everyone to see but also include facts that are socially made as a result of norms and practices that the group accepts. Sociologists are beginning to investigate the relationship between strategic replacements in large-scale bureaucracies and changes in top leadership, but as yet research results remain fragmentary and inconclusive. Democratic political leadership in te new media age: A farewell to excellence? Hickman, Gill R. "Concepts of Leadership in Organizational Change." Hampshire: Houndmills, Macmillan. political influences play a role -- and they always will! New York: P.I.E. To understand it, we must probe the general concept of leadership-unfortunately one of the many uncertain categories in social science. Explain the general concepts of leadership. As the surroundings are not defining themselves, an interpretive effort is provided by the political leaders. "peerReview": true, Political leadership and bureaucratic autonomy: Effects of agencification. Many disciplines have contributed to the study of leadership, including political theory, history, psychology and management studies. (2012). Initiative 4. Furthermore, Lenin’s Conspectus of Hegel’s Science of Logic (Gallagher, 2012) admits that the thoughts of ideal passing into reality are essential in historical consideration. The current supply of leadership is driven by societal demand that existed before, which a politician of a would-be leader needs to satisfy. Such a degree of contingency implies eroding tools as well as theories becoming available for political science analysis and consideration and, therefore, downgrading the issue. Having factored the argument that leaders are capable of bending the context for their followers instead of being products of the situation where one ought to agree that basic mirrors of external constraints and leaders combining a number of characteristics produces some consent around the commanding voices. It is however not clear whether educative and technical means of using knowledge and leadership should be reconciled so as to prioritize educative use in sought of constitutional democracy, sustainability of the environment and human rights (Frohlich & Oppenheimer, 2015). Worldly leadership: Alternative wisdom for a complex world. In J. Mascuilli, M. A. Molchanov, & A. W. Knight, Ashgate Research Companion to Political Leadership. Self-confidence 6. The leaders of today – be they political leaders, corporate leaders or civil society leaders – have to act within the context of a dynamic system of global pressures and trends. Tolerance to stress 8. The former focuses on the personality traits for building an influential leadership comprising of great people while the contemporary seeks a sociological approach to exercising leadership (Carnoy, 2014). We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. A major objective of this integrative literature audit is to look at the courses in which leadership is developing and the outcomes of examining its transformative way for the models, systems, and the general population. According to Lenin (1975) the whole work was supposedly informed by neo-Hegelian perception on the power of ideas instead of the classic materialist determinism attribute by Marx. take two on race and politics: Reexamining the origins and consequences of electoral structures in American cities. To start with, the moving leadership elite should claim a superior wisdom or understanding goals that have a long term and the immediate role of the community at large and the historical laws that govern its evolution. Research Paper: The Effects of Arts Education on Student Achievement. Political leadership essentially involves the exercise for sought of consent instead of imposing coercion. But simultaneously in political science there is another concept of political leadership that addresses the best aspects of the human soul, calls for love, peacemaking and nonviolence. Leadership re… The presence of more democracy is an implication of suspicion towards power. Political science ought to have kept an eye on this phenomenon as it seeks procedures for escaping these gridlock that are founded on democratic grounds (Teles, 2012). McNeely, N. E. (2013). Drawing on psychology, sociology, anthropology and business studies as well as philosophy and history, this four-volume collection focuses on democratic leadership in the political sphere. The theory of Marx, which inspires political leadership, have responded to the big emphasis of Marx on structural and forces of the technology which advance conflict to an extent of a political revolution and cultural change of the community in socialism direction which he found the end stage of political and economic growth. Why is it often desirable to undertake problem redefinition when trying to find solutions for problems. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more organized and logical meaning Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Difficulties realized theoretical and methodological issues should be considered when undertaking this exploration. Rather they should have the capacity to embrace new ideas and reconsider the old including some prior disposed of thoughts and strategies for adjusting to situations if the circumstances demand it. 2. (2012). Foreign direct investment under globalization dilemma: economic insecurity, tax competition, and funding for social welfare. These values, however, do not affect the independent variables but instead, they help to achieve them. Research by Habermas proposes three main conceptions of political activities concerning the relationship of the theory in practice. Secondly, Lenin sees leadership as a collective instead of individual activity and attribute, though the leadership elite is seen as inclusive or many leaders. Finally, the interpretive conception is basically an explication of meanings since humans are intentional in their actions. Such signs often become formalized and even imitated by leaders of the second rank. Concepts of leadership in organizational change. The psychology of politicians. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The concepts of transformational leadership were brought to prominence by political sociologist James MacGregor Burns, in the late 1970s. Nevertheless, the leadership phenomenon obviously includes leaders included in some kind of imaginative adaptation with group objectives. Ashgate . Such leaders are highly focussed and committed towards their goal accomplishment. Bartol, Frederick. On the contrary, its existence alongside the undisputable high visibility for political leaders becomes a rather uncomfortable scenario that demands further analysis as well as systematic interests from social sciences. Furthermore, sociometric tests show that leadership bears little relation to popularity and that it is inversely correlated with friendship. Prastacos, G. P., Wang, F., & Soderquist, K. E. (2012). From these definitions, it is evident that goal setting and motivational aspects commonly define leadership attributes. Accordingly, leadership is perceived as a consequence of integration between a person and his context as opposed to a mere individualistic approach for human values. It is fundamental to stress that the interprets of context and situations is not programmed before in social life fabric. The composed examination of the evolution of leadership is critical in discussing significant matters of inquiry representing present pillars of research in leadership though some are justifiably ‘taller’ than others. These varied views and needs create a desire for power in order to satisfy conflicts. (2009). Please use the Get access link above for information on how to access this content. Thirdly, leadership elite is tasked with employing some superior knowledge and expertise in organizing followership. This research thus seeks to determine how dependent and independent factors affecting the governance determine? (2009). "comments": true, Political leadership Research Paper Introduction Political leadership is considered as the concept central to the establishment and understanding of various political outcomes and processes. The main purpose of this research is to identify how the factors affecting the governance of a government play a key role in defining the success and failure of the government? "relatedCommentaries": true, Drzewiecka, Milena "hasAccess": "0", For presentation of their conclusions see Cartwright, D. and Zander, A., eds., Group Dynamics (Evanston, Ill., 1953)Google Scholar, and Bellows, Roger, Creative Leadership (Englewood Cliffs, 1959).Google Scholar, 15 Experiments with American army cadets show that authoritarian sergents and officers are less acceptable than democratic ones. Leadership is no more essentially portrayed as an individual trademark, (Turnbull, 2012) but instead is depicted under different models as dyadic, shared, a global complex network of social dynamism. A democracy, therefore, settles well with leadership but develops antipathies for strong manifestations Weber (2009). According to Thomas (2015) the theorists of Friedrich Engels and Marxist went ahead emphasizing ideological relations role and other structural phenomena. The political success or failure of leadership. (Hirano, S., & Snyder, 2012) In order to comprehend, clarify and make predictions of political leadership, it is paramount to examine the convictions, qualities, characters, power relations, and acts of leadership and followership. Besides, excessively assertive political leadership is less considerate of institutional limitations (Egeberg & Trondal, 2009). Political leaders: The paradox of freedom and democracy. This is because ever since men came together for the purpose of achieving their different goals (communal, economic, political etc), there has always been the existence of a position for a leader/ leaders who would … * Views captured on Cambridge Core between September 2016 - 7th December 2020. Kim, D. (2015). Hirano, S., & Snyder, J. M. (2012). Political leadership and collective goods. In the political arena, leadership is a key element of governance with frail leadership traits being a major contributor to government failure. Although they do not lead through creating laws, they have an obligation to give the best services to the public. Such characteristic approaches have caused two major conflicting aspects that are the classical and contemporary one. Leadership is therefore affiliated with the ability to influence, give motivation and enable other individuals in making contributions towards successful organizations or nations which they entrusted with leading others. This is particularly noteworthy on the grounds that distinguishing and dissecting their objectives to figure out if they have changed essentially after some time or not is very arduous. Some context like drought, natural disasters, an outbreak of diseases and military invasion are very easy to interpret compared to others. Without a vision, your activities are meaningless. It is the absence of proper leadership that routinizes administration because when its political, as well as creative perspectives, become blurred it is characteristically same as administration, whereby it focuses exclusively on maintaining a pattern. These are tracked every year by the World Economic Forum’s (WEF, 2016) Global Risks … These are dependent variables because due to various uncertainties and the ever changing demands and expectations, political leaderships have often been forced to revise their policies in order to suit the demands of the environment. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is unevenly shared because whereas vast majority exercises little influence, small minority, which is called elite, has influence over the whole political system and in practice controls it. 10 Examples of this phenomenon are found in Hitler's wearing of the Iron Cross, second class; in Stalin's high-buttoned tunic; in Churchill's “V for Victory” sign; in Mao-Tse-Tung's or Castro's shabby uniforms worn to perpetuate the emotions of the Long March or of the exile in the bush. This is beyond the expected roles for those individuals occupying particular positions, and the consequences are only expected from those perceived in leadership. C. Comparative political leadership. (2015). Political leadership in context. 12 Studies of succession so far have been mostly confined to top political leadership. 2 Two studies in that direction are worth special mention: Verba, Sidney, Small Group and Political Behaviour: A Study of Leadership (Princeton, 1961)Google Scholar, and Bourricaud, François, Esquisse d”une théorie de l'autorité (Paris, 1961).Google Scholar, 3 Hollander, E. P., Leaders, Groups, and Influence (New York, 1964), 1.Google Scholar, 4 Gobbs, Cecil A., “The principles and traits of leadership,” Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 42 (1947), 267–84.Google Scholar, 5 See, for example, Stodgill, Ralph M., “Personal Factors Associated with Leadership,” Journal of General Psychology, 25 (1958).Google Scholar. The circular process of interrelations between style of command and pattern of authority produces what I shall call styles of leadership which will be the subject matter of the present section. }. Such an a perspective is deemed egalitarian in the assumptions it is associated with since it ultimately recognizes that all persons have the likelihood of getting a leadership position. Due to a number of factor confinements, the focus is more on the conditions regarding advances, in theory, principles, research, and practices that include the reactions and limits for theories and models wherever deemed most appropriate (Turnbull, 2012). Teles, F. (2012). Turnbull, S. (2012). 14 Recent discussions on leadership styles are often inspired by the experimental work of Ralph White and Ronald Lippitt. Smith, K. B., Larimer, C. W., Littvay, L., & Hibbing, J. R. (2007). It seems that people tend to choose individuals just slightly more intelligent than them-selves as their leaders. This data will be updated every 24 hours. According to studies from the past saw great leaders as an agent who are creative and who drives the processes of politics for the community at large. "openAccess": "0", Therefore, the political leadership is seen as a way of competing in the marketplace of values and thoughts, which at times stress structural leadership, creative leadership or charming leadership (Thomas, 2015). For this reason, the political leaders are perceived as very talented organizing persons with the capability to arrange extensively and uniformly the harmonious tasks that would bring together all forces including the most inconsiderable. Reinforcing governance: Perspectives on development, poverty, and global crises. In addition, the formation of elite-mass divided political leaders, creative, independent and communities that are epistemic are also involved in the interpretation of their world and its problems. DOI: 10.1017/S0008423900035198 Corpus ID: 154603707. However, there is a barely concealed idealism for Lenin’s Theory of leadership as indicated by the belief of superiority of the theoretical insights argued by Marxist (Carnoy, 2014). New York: Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Political leadership, as well as followership, represents noteworthy contrasts crosswise over and within individual states in reacting to both new worldwide issues and conventional administration issues. Historically, leadership is a concrete solid phenomenon in terms of structures and techniques since they change with the progression of time. (McKinney, 2015). Secondly, the educative conception provides an enlightenment to people regarding the most effective means that they desire to pursue and clarifying on the alternatives that can be adopted. Social skills 11. Definitions and concepts of leadership Definition of leadership Leadership is the set of managerial or leadership skills that an individual has to influence the way of being of the people or in a particular group of people, making this team work with enthusiasm, in the … Whatever contextual differences exist, the followers of the political leadership is always a process of innovation and adaptation to the surroundings or context that give challenges the values and way of life of the groups. Willingness to accept responsibility 8. Developments and innovations may take diverse structures, though. London: Sage Publications Ltd. Carnoy, M. (2014). Considering politics as leadership creates a complex scenario in concluding the noteworthiness of its causal roles with leaders needed to mobilize significant followership to accept policy remedies for, aggregate issues or emergencies (Hirano & Snyder, 2012). Includes the perspectives of change and leadership experts. } The relationship between the leaders and the followers exist in a succession from severe inequality and asymmetry, in which leaders that are strong influence followers to be leaders who are strong. The review highlights the present status of every specific area of inquiry is discussing what we know and do not know as well as the intriguing conceivable outcomes to pursue in future. the hallmark of academic research, it is important to examine some of the concepts and terms that are used in this study i.e. Cambridge: UK, New York: Cambridge University Press. Political leadership is a concept central to understanding political processes and outcomes, yet its definition is elusive. Political leaders who possess integrity can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might benefit them to do so. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The only difference between party and organizational politics is in the subtlety of the voting procedure. The concept of leadership is as old as man himself. The critical theorists have much to learn from the Marxist traditions though they have diverted into numerous directions where some try to make a combination of democracy and leadership. Cultural context Burns, in the political leaders a concrete solid phenomenon in terms of structures and techniques they! Political pioneers by how exhaustive or expressive they are at articulating their thoughts and indeed deserves such and. `` concepts of transformational leadership were brought to prominence by political sociologist MacGregor! Subsequently settle on educated decisions while selecting leaders: where a leader influences others by they! Its relevance to human life, political, social change, and complete! 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