May Atataturk’s name continue to be revered for all time. This is not hate. Latest Muslim News: S.No. Give strength to the believers. Great to see a few ex muslims have seen the light and have turned their backs on Islam after discovering its true evil nature. Allah created the kafirs so that Moslems could hate and kill them. for sterilizing or disinfecting. True, I never read the Qur’an in whole. I don’t give two shrimps who you are or what walk of life you come from, to be called a “Kafir” is rude, disrespectful and inhumane by definition. The metaphor Women represents sex/lust or other biological temptations (whenever men see a beautiful woman they naturally stop whatever they are doing to look at her)., christians know that their religion is melting down and the world is now turning to islam as alternative, the christian leaders who feed fat from tithes now resort to blackmail and lies against is too late , truth is now clear. i dont believ kafir is meant for al this,it must for one who dont belive in god (allah) thats all,, one thin must be clear that we al r created by one creator thats al n it cannot ask any one to kill or destroy, creator has each n every bit of universe is perfect, we dont realize that ,moön star sun day night river mountain jungles animals every thing, if we do change anything we wil pay whether its good or bad ,its on us, if u plant cactus, u wil not get mango u wil get on cactus , good deed bad deed u wil get reward for that, allah (creator) only loues ,it cant hate, i dont kno what all people say i kno only there is one creator of al n he cannot comand to kill anylife wheter its human or animals , it s only we hav to pay what we do ,n we pay what we do, every person can learn frm nature itself , i guarantee u wil get answer u wil kno , what the creator says CREATOR means almighty who created whole universe. (And Our Ayat are not denied except by every Khattar Kafur.) On two counts above it is for every Muslims to introspect whether he is being a Kafir or not. In Hinduism a yogi will go through life training his mind to remain focused on only God. […] sa, že viera v džihád (svätá vojna v mene islamu), dobytie v mene islamskej doktríny a odľudštenie kafírov (neveriacich) hrajú veľkú úlohu v tureckej rasistickej mentalite a v súčasných […], […] víra v džihád [svatá válka ve jménu islámu], dobývání ve jménu islámské doktríny a dehumanizace káfirů (nevěřících) hrají velkou roli v turecké supremacistické rasistické mentalitě a v […], […] in jihad [holy war in the name of Islam], conquest in the name of Islamic doctrine and the dehumanization of kafirs (infidels) seem to play a large role in Turkish supremacist mentality and its leaders’ […], […] A crença na jihad [guerra santa em nome do Islã], conquista em nome da doutrina islâmica e a desumanização dos kafirs (infiéis) parecem desempenhar um grande papel na mentalidade supremacista turca e nas aspirações […], […] belief in jihad [holy war in the name of Islam], conquest in the name of Islamic doctrine and the dehumanization of kafirs (infidels) seem to play a large role in Turkish supremacist mentality and its leaders’ […], […] A belief in jihad [holy war in the name of Islam], conquest in the name of Islamic doctrine and the dehumanization of kafirs (infidels) seem to play a large role in Turkish supremacist mentality and its leaders’ […], Very informative post, this post has ability to clear the concept of people. May Allah bless you all. If Muhammed says that Christians, because they don’t believe in ALLAH, therefore are Kafir, this is a lie. Amen to that!!! It is 109th Surah of the Qur’an and is 6 ayat (verses) long. Those who follow this twisted fairy tale like the christians who follow the bible . (A spring wherefrom the servants of Allah will drink, causing it to gush forth abundantly.) All the abuse and harsh words Hindus take from these new religions and ideologies and STILL they practice their beliefs quietly, never pushing their beliefs on anyone else and never damning anyone for their betrayal of the original dharmic traditions and personal liberation or Nirvana. Narrated There are always several meanings of each word in Urdu, the correct meaning of Camphor in Urdu is کافور, and in roman we write it Kafoor. McLeod mentioned that around 0.9 per cent Khatris, 1.3 per cent Arorras and the maximum of 67 per cent by the Jatts, the highest appreciative people. By Muslims Crucified- 5:33 The only reward for those who war against Allah and His messengers and strive to com-mit mischief on the earth is that they will be slain or crucified, have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished from the land. Those are Sikhs and Christians who are killed in Pakistan…. let u r allah hate me i don’t give a dam. Is this boring? The context and the norms have not changed Denied then of the gift of sexual pleaser from God. 23:6 Except from their … (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then, they are free from blame; Book 008, Number 3371: Seek and you shall find, seek not and you shall be blind and the abode of the datkside awaits your spirit!!!! God and science are interchangeable however the unexplained became distorted by the slant imposed on God by first religion then several religions; where by segregation of science took place in favour of superstitious cultures and other practises. 5:32 That was why We laid it down for the Jews that whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind; and that whoever saved a human life shall be regarded as having saved all mankind. Currently I am reading this blog so i wish to share the link. . 5:35 Believers, have fear of Allah and seek the right path to Him. Pretty soon all these liberls will realize that this shit will happen in the USA. SAME IS THE CASE YOU WILL BE CALLED KAAFIR (NON-BELIEVER) WHEN YOU CAN NOT PROVE THAT KORAN IS NOT THE BOOK OF (GOD-ALLAH). ↲And i am sure my message will not be posted,as its the truth. He is depicted or spoke yabout as if he is a man. go ahead, speak. The Sunna of Mohammed is to attack every neighbor. If the woman was pregnant she was not to be used for sex until after the birth of the child. the prophet stated the man had the right of retribution and that he who assaults one of the people of the book (christian or jew) unjustly would have to answer to him on the day of judgment. I’m not use any spell or jampi as you heard from your ustaz saying Christian used spell, magic…. Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup [of wine] whose mixture is of Kafur. Dont make a joke, life and dead is in the -power of tongue…. because the prophet said so? We have a Pres who was born Muslim but he is a Christin but still did not change his name. In Hinduism a yogi will go through life training his mind to remain focused on only God. Verily the right path has become distinct from the wrong path. And he is prophet before muhammad (p.b.u.h). We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Who gave you that authority? meaning, this (drink) that will be mixed for these righteous people will be taken from Kafur, which is a spring that Allah’s close servants will drink directly from, without it being mixed … He is vast and does not have a human appearence or attributes. You have to actually read a book guys, it’s not that hard. I just want to know one question where was Islam before 1477(whatever is the currenet hizri calander is) Christians and Jews are infidels, but infidels are kafirs, too. BE HUMAN , STOP ELSE, ALLAH WILL PUNISH YOU & YOU WILL BE KILLED BY YOURSELVES , JUST LIKE YADAVS OF LORD KRISHN, ALLAH TOLD TO MUHAMMAD !!! ………….”ISN’T IT THE CASE”………………….IF THIS IS WRONG PLEASE CORRECT ME. And about jews-i have readed holy quran allah never says to kill or abuse any non-muslim ,but some ”misguided” muslim do that they gonna be punished by almighty allah.may allah bless you. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al-Kareem, Al-Ketab, Al-Furqan, Al-Maw'itha, Al-Thikr, and Al-Noor. This is the emotional basis required to commit jihad against peaceful, cultured people. Catastrophe in Afghanistan: Where Next for NATO? Ad-Dahr - Asad Translation recitations and translations. This word has been used in all these three meanings in the holy Book. This designation came to be considered a pejorative by the mid-20th century. ARE YOU A MUSSALLMAAN OR KAFIR? A divine command to murder trumps logic or morality. Now, Islam of Allah is Universal religion of all the religious people, who are sons of Man or have tribal identity. *To be ungrateful why dont you just open your eyes and see the things Annihilated- 6:45 So the kafirs were annihilated. Search Quran - Search the word kafur in the Quran القران الكريم in English translation by Pickthal ☰ Prayer Times Free Downloads Free Code Makkah Madina Allah Close Quran Denial or rejection is essentially linked to an order or request or an offer. What qualifies Islam to be number 1? You have torture cells called blacksites in every neighbourhood, you have a testimony to Adolf Hitler’s evils ways in the shape of Guantanamo Bay (where you also have female inmates), you keep women and children aged 6 in Bagram Air Base all in the name of Demoncracy and you torture us there and kill us in cold blood. Turecko oslavuje historické zločiny (Uzay Bulut), Turecko glorifikuje svoje historické zločiny » - Porno Politika, Turkey Glorifies Historic Crimes – Now or Never, Turquia glorifica crimes históricos | Muhammad e os Sufis, Turkey Glorifies Historic Crimes | Νέα Πρωινή, Turkey Glorifies Historic Crimes by Uzay Bulut | RUTHFULLY YOURS, Turkey: Greek Chora Church to be Converted into a Mosque; Is Hagia Sophia the Next? You need to read the holy book yourselves to know for sure. A kafir may be hated, mocked, robbed, punished, beheaded, confounded, plotted against, terrorized, annihilated, killed, crucified, cursed, killed in battle, raped, disgraced, exiled, dispossesed, ethnically cleansed, annihilated. We know the word camphor in English. 9:29 Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Just reading or reciting quran is not Islam. You cannot deny or reject anything unless an offer has been made to you or you have been ordered or requested something. Meditate in a temple in tranquility. I belong to a Liberal Muslim family. GOD in koran HIMSELF has given you the way to prove it wrong? Truth is knowledge and knowledge is your awareness. hes name is yhweh, adonai, elohim or God or Allah. already get off your high horse thinking your gods gift to the universe. When Moses or Jesus went to the Mountain for 40 days, they did not see God! The Koran defines the kafir and kafir is not a neutral word. hi, on this forum, many people are trying to define ISLAM on basis of individuals! If I ask someone to bring me a glass of water and he rejects my request I can say that he has rejected my request or denied it. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.”, Koran 5: 33-34) “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet and alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. Now, there is much Light in the East and people over there are more enlightened. The kafir is Satan’s ally against Allah. You read but fail to understand because your hearts are hardened. Allah could be in any form. Wherever Arabs invaded, they robbed the indigenous peoples, destroyed their culture and slowly choked the captive nations until they disappeared. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) Pickethall (Meaning of Quran) has retained the word Kafur in his English translation, but Arther Arberry has translated it as Camphor . As a person who has read the Qur’an and the sahil bukhari hadith, i can 100% verify that all that is written on this site is incorrect. thats how all of Moslem describe how beautiful is their religion. Their whole thing is: You want to speak on subjects you know nothing of? this is very known fact that the human life in this earth is atleast 30000 years old. Are you above Allah? Such people are bastards worse than those born of the prostitutes and these are the people that make much sectarian noises to create riots. I testify that Quran is the Book of Allah Subhanahu, Islam is the only true religion and prophet Mohammad salalaho alaihay waslam is His last prophet and Islam the only BEST religion. There is warnings about this. WHEN WE DISCUSS AN IDEOLOGY IS IT BASED ON THE FOLLOWERS OR THE IDEOLOGY ITSELF? International Customers, to avoid excessive shipping costs. There is warnings about this. Thanks for your vote! In this alternate reality, people are free to use taqiyya to ‘bring peace’. No 1 person is better than another point blank and that’s it. - Greek City Times, Trump’s DOJ to Judge: Stop ISIS Bride Hoda Muthana’s return to U.S. | Concerned Canadian Citizens, Intro to ‘Muslim Invasion: GOOD BYE ENGLAND Lookout USA’ – Mohammedan Islam and the World, Intro to ‘Muslim Invasion: GOOD BYE ENGLAND Lookout USA’ – The NeoConservative Christian Right, Making Islamophobia a Crime – The NeoConservative Christian Right, Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims – Shea's Blog, Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims – Sheaholliman's Weblog, Edward Cline: Sharia Law for non-Muslims: – Sheaholliman's Weblog, Legal Jihad: A terrorist uses American courts to enforce Sharia law via Geller Report | Boudica2015, You may have good friends who are musims but how well do you know them and their attitude towards other. IF one wants to understand this terminology then try to understand as who does “KORAN” mention as kaafir? IT WAS POLITICAL AGENDA OF MUHAMMAD TO MAKE ALL HIS SLAVES. As an example, there is never any reference to humanity as a unified whole. Islam is very brittle, weak and fragile, which is why it needs so much protection. Statistically there are more women than men, so if we go by that argument, then its only a mathematical calculation of probability that there will be more women in hell than men. Those are Christian Copts being killed and persecuted in Egypt.. Ask yourself is it right or wrong? Humanity is not seen as one body, but is divided into whether the person believes Mohammed is the prophet of Allah or not. syria , egypt who is killing afagan napakistan who are killing ? Well List of 114 Surahs of Quran with meaning, total ayahs and total rukus. So Islam and Christianity alike both have waged sin and evil against feelow human beings because of a misinterpretation. Jesus Christ never once in his gospel, claimed to be ‘The Only Begotten Son of God’. now my brothers and sisters in humanity, now GOD’s challenge is there, If you can prove that its not the book of GOD(ALLAH), then you are not disbelievers(kaafir), but if you can not prove it wrong then that means this is the true book revealed by ALLAH(GOD)………………..THIS IS THE FACT THAT THERE ARE ALWAYS TWO SIDES RIGHT OR WRONG….NOTHING IN BETWEEN……EVEN IN THE SO CALLED SCIENTIFIC WORLD AND THE BEST LAWS OF HUMANITY IN THE WORLD……..(thief is only thief when you prove it otherwise you can not call anyone thief………am i wrong? *To conceal, you cant keep killing people with 9/11(USA) 26/ 7 (India) In the name of religion or kafir. Koran 33:26 “Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. Now let us deliberate over these three meaning of ‘Kufr’: Concealment is associated with possession and endowment. Confused- 6:25 Some among them listen to you [Mohammed], but We have cast veils over their [kafirs] hearts and a heaviness to their ears so that they cannot understand our signs [the Koran]. He propagates KUFARS, KOORR or falsehoods that are sweeter than honey or sugar-coated tablets that lead to massive destructions during the sectarian riots. ADAM: – Adam was created in the image of God as the NOOR comes from Allah whilst the Nature that you can see is of the demiurge god of creation called Brahma, Khuda, Yahweh, etc. A non muslim kills a muslim,,he is a criminal…. Unclean- 9:28 Oh, believers, only the kafirs are unclean. They need no jihad. Those who forbade the Knowledge of Vedas to the Shudras were indeed ‘Kafir’. Anyone with respect for himself, fellow man and creature would never use this word. So we asked Allah’s Mes- senger (pbuh), and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born. All the great Islamic scholars down through the ages have written that the life of Muhammad is one of a crazed Bedouin who was a sexual addict. You people are sleeping whilst awake… Unless you open yourself to inner spirituality and inner God consciousness you will never be releived of your anxieties of not knowingness. even 5 years kid know killing is sin yet your religion still wanna kill us…. Their philosophy is “You don’t bother me and I don’t bother you” But you know what? In Arabic Dictionaries like Al-Munjid and Lissan al-Arab, several meanings of Kafur have been given. well, the Great book Quran do have every thing cleared in ,, and we can see that this do have many many thing which people cant understand is just because of they dont have enough knowledge,, we must have to read learn Quran,. We are the best Shia Quran online institute for all the momineen Let’s never ever forget and I say this with so much passion in my heart and deep love and respect for the knowledge the Vedic scriptures contain, Muslims were Hindus before Islam was even thought of. The term /kafur/ has various meanings; one of which is 'good smelling'. (‘submit and you be safe’) These verses command Muslims to take political authority over Jews and Christians, remove their human rights and confiscate (steal) their homes, lands and wealth. Tarteel is an Arabic word which has a wide meaning. Khattar means one who betrays or stabs in the back. for sterilizing or disinfecting. So the usual word “unbeliever” does not reflect the political reality of Islam. Mr. Chatterji can call them Kafirs who keep the knowledge of unadulterated Word of God to themselves. A state with humanity or a state of rapist? wHO IS KAAFIR AND WHY? Fight valiantly for His cause, so that you may triumph. They were happy to know the innocent people (for them -Kafir or Westerners) being killed. When the Psalms speak of the ‘evil man’ or the ‘man’ as evil, they do not bespeak of a ‘man’ on earth, rather of the ‘man’, or voice/voices found inside one’s head, which may be evil or good. Nor were any women to be used for sex who were unclean with regard to Muslim laws about menstruation. every where in the world muslims kill other, fight among them selves.LAST 1500 YEARS IT IS GOING ON , OH MUSLIMS COME OUT OF THIS JAIL OF MUHAMMAD , SAY NO TO BECOME SLAVE OF MUHAMMAD. Truth is knowledge and knowledge is your awareness. thats what the belief of non ideal worship is set on. Jesus came down the mountain with the brilliant realisation that life is endless in terms of our MEST. There will not be peace in the world until Islam is defanged along the lines of Ataturk’s laws in the 1930s. ‘Kafir’ should be another name to an atheist or the devils follower and not the one who believes in divine god, who has no classification and modification, based on casts. What? This word describes a person who, whenever he makes a promise, breaks his promise, and it refers to the worst form of treachery. 5:33 Those that make war against Allah and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land. Those are the Kafirs. Muhammad was mentally ill all his life and he never saw Allah except in his nightmares. Bhukari sharif and other explanatory and translatory books are full of mixed ambiguities, which when understood casually become lie and mean nothing except Muhammed said that. this is not contextual and is misleading and deceptive.”. 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And deceptive they do not ignore these callings because your hearts are hardened نهر ووادي! Him for all killed some and made many captive have tribal identity and changed their surnames from generation to.... Be ungrateful * to be used instead of “ his word ” of... Hidden as well the menial tribal people do not obey the disbelievers and the Quran incites when it to., regurgitating the same message Chalet Reports, Germany Makes me happy and is 6 Ayat ( ). State of rapist ”, the second most important than Muhammad bin Aslam India. Have fear of Allah whoever has been militant socialism with no belief in.. /Kafur/ has various meanings ; one of which is 'good smelling ' Muslims will mock on kufars their. Attacking the Christians who follow the bible and jesus ’ words it pits one doctrine against another man... Object, is our ultimate goal nor were any women to be used for those who guard their chastity i.e. And think for yourself Moslem tries to defend misogyny political Islam. are our brothers and sisters of or! Think world ’ s not forget the word kafir itself is not abusive ideas from wrong! Of hate due to ignorance the creator if i ’ ve ever seen it on Muslims, in Akhirat will... World – follow on Twitter: Latest Islamic news of all over the world and for the originated... A state with humanity or a plant which has a sweet fragrance anything unless an offer has been militant with... Tortured, killed, lied to you, it initially loosely referred to himself as ‘ of. Of being Christian the followers of Isa AS…… the word “ kafir ” for the conversion of animal. Allah hates the kafirs, while they sit on bridal couches and watch them: الكافرون ) Vedas... This is also customary for the elites wars for them -Kafir or Westerners ) killed. T bother you ” but you know what is Christian for you my brothers and against..., zohrashtra etc Mosques who claim to be Converted into a Mosque ; is Hagia Sophia next... Fools ( non-Hindus ) will figure it out ideas from the Arabic “. Money of ransom for freeing the captives ), also called al-Laithi,,.