If I discover that I like to include both results and let people decide for themselves. It is one of my most popular hubs on Google. Be informed, and know your facts whether they pertain to the Bible, politics, products and services, or statistics and scientific determinations. The assessment of reliability and validity is an ongoing process. Hope you are staying cool. To consider why information should be assessed 2. I think I have answered that in the text of this article. Jeff Berndt from Southeast Michigan on January 12, 2013: It's important to remember that everyone has a bias--but sometimes those biases work to obfuscate the truth in ways that might surprise you. 0000015640 00000 n The one that would work for 1,000 hours; 3. I'm glad you find it useful. It has gotten to where we need to question every source unfortunately. Thank you. Think about the implications. I do not mean to take away from it. Shyron E Shenko from Texas on December 30, 2011: Loved your hub, reminds me of the old saying: There is her story, his story and the truth. 0000002116 00000 n ;). Wiki isn't perfect, as you say, and sometimes the authors of those pages are questionable, but that is also true of the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and for sure Fox News, and pretty much any source nowadays. Both impact the accuracy and correctness of the measurement process. I don't like site that give medical advice. For the most part I agree with you 100%. (I miss the voting...I really did use them! Below are a few things to keep in mind. Getting information in context and getting ALL of the information usually makes a huge difference. Reliability is about the consistency of a measure, and validity is about the accuracy of a measure. 1) Accuracy. Why Accuracy and Timeliness Matter Again, measurement involves assigning scores to individuals so that they represent some characteristic of the individuals. Learn the truth before spreading misinformation or lies. Theresa Ast from Atlanta, Georgia on May 05, 2013: Au Fait - This is a very well-written and informative essay. There is so much more to politics than what is on the surface, yet the surface is where the majority of the electorate reside -- by choice. 0000006775 00000 n If you or I defied a court order like that we would be jailed for an indefinite period of time, but even though we are constantly told the U.S. President is not above the law, clearly he is, and this is just one of many examples that prove it. If, for some reason, you inadvertently input wrong data into the computer, output will still be produced. 7. To consider why information should be assessed 2. They want you to buy their product or use their service. Politicians know most people behave this way and take advantage of them by spreading untruths that often end up gong viral. Accuracy of Information Accuracy refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data. Search accuracy of information and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. The "media" least of all can be trusted. Agree that Wiki should never be more than a basic reference for general information, but often that's all most people want anyway. Authority • Who created the page and can you contact him/her? I think it's wise to read many different sources before relying on any one of them, taking their slant into consideration. I think most ordinary people do tell the truth as they know and believe it to be, but often they are misinformed or more likely, uninformed because they choose to consult their neighbor or someone else as uninformed as themselves rather than reading a variety of credible periodicals and listening to a variety of credible news networks. 0000023179 00000 n In an effort to be "balanced," reporters tend to give equal time (or at least a nod) to the tiny minority of scientists that say climate change is not happening, while the overwhelming majority of the scientific community agree that climate change is real and being contributed to by human activity, disagreeing only on details like how much humans are contributing to the change, and/or what ought to be done about it. Compared to the misinformation spread through forwarded emails, Wiki is very nearly angelic and very close to godly. I recommend reading a variety of newspapers, magazines, and books, to get a complete picture of any subject. Yes, I know, "personal responsibility" for everyone -- else. Reliability is about the consistency of a measure, and validity is about the accuracy of a measure. GIGO is acronym for Garbage In, Garbage Out. Does any respected source list them as a credible authority or expert on the subject they are commenting on or promoting? In every case you should verify that the information someone is giving you is accurate and factual. I guess some people don't like what I've written, but I used an extremely credible source for my reference which I listed, and it is the same one used in our English Department at the University of North Texas. . Others refer to the trustworthiness of the source in evaluating the reliability of information. They don’t care why someone is different, they are simply convinced anyone different from themselves must be changed to perfection like themselves, but that’s another issue. If a majority of people don't know how to judge reliability, why should the majority opinion matter? Thank you clippy34, for taking the time to read and comment on my hub. :). Always research the things you learn to find out what other people think about it and to find out if there's any truth to it in the first place. If so, the credibility of the information is connected to the originating sites. have to bookmark it for future reference. The fact is that we never could trust anyone to tell us 100% of the truth 100% of the time -- if anyone knew what it was in the first place! Sometimes it is an advocate for a particular social issue who wants to influence your opinion on things like the environment, abortion, the legal drinking age, prayer in school, or any number of different issues that will affect millions of people. In experiments, the question of reliability can be overcome by repeating the experiments again and again. There are correct ways to go about conducting research and experiments, and there are sloppy, less reliable ways to do it. However, I don't think my personal opinion is all that important. Voted up as interesting and useful. One should always listen to more than one news reporting agency and read more than one magazine/newspaper in order to get the different takes on what is reported. You have covered every angle and this is the sort of thing I go over with every new class of university History students. Reliability vs Credibility Since credibility and reliability seem to have somewhat similar meanings finding the difference between reliability and credibility can be a little hard. There are many reasons why people make the statements they do. Everyone talks about the media being objective, yet there is no such thing as objectivity in the media and never has been. Accuracy • What is the purpose of the website? It is possible that these words were invented to poke fun at the more "sophisticated" East. Is there a link to a homepage? If enough people allow themselves to be fooled in this way, we could very well lose our democracy and find ourselves in an authoritarian state. The following type of tests is conducted for measuring validity. I also wish they would let me control which of my own hubs would be shown under my name so they might be varied a bit instead of the same ones on every hub. I've found it's often best to deal with the raw data rather than the analysis. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on May 07, 2019: Haiya Aleem, thank you for your inquiry. Even if they are, there is only 24 hours in a day and people have life to live and don't want to waste it checking facts. GB has more parties that take different stances. the information on the social media is reliable? I've lived in 4 other states also. Question: How can I verify scientific research, for example, if a certain type of food is said to have several food values? Would you join a serial killers club if you were promised a tax break? I like to listen to both sides, and several reports from different sources. I recommend you Google it. Indian Chef from New Delhi India on November 28, 2013: As anyone can be expert online and give advise. If the author is with an organization, does it appear to support or sponsor the page? There are many sources of information whose purpose is to mislead and misinform. Exercises. There are many examples of intolerant people who do whatever it takes, including making up what they present as facts, to persuade people to their way of thinking whether it is in regard to religion, politics, or something else. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle of it all. Very often reporters state the facts accurately, but then state them in a way that seems positive or negative depending on how they want their readers or listeners to feel about those facts. The need for accuracy of data should influence the choice of equipment for conducting first-hand investigations. There are several aspects to take into consideration when you are assessing how reliable your information is. Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on February 19, 2014: Going to pin this to my Do You Know This? The information here is exactly what is included in the guide I was required to buy and learn when I took my college writing courses. ... 2) Authority. Personally, I do not get information from 'social media,' sources, those being Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. . Shyron E Shenko from Texas on September 22, 2012: I have to keep reading this hub, it is that informative and useful. 0000032049 00000 n Suzie from Carson City on August 24, 2015: Another fabulous read. That is just one example. Knowing how to be reasonably certain information is correct. We now can trust no one to tell us 100% of the truth 100% of the time. As you know, God didn't choose perfect people to champion His cause in the Bible either, He just chose the best available at the time. The main test adopted is triangulation. If you are aware of what is referred to as the slant of the reporter’s position on the subject, or the slant of his/her media outlet’s position on the subject (newspaper, television network, etc. None give specific medical advice that I know of. When you limit yourself to only one or two news sources you are just asking to be taken advantage of and fooled into lies. 0000015978 00000 n I was like that myself about 35 years ago, and while it all looked very discouraging I immersed myself in learning what news agencies were credible whether on TV, in newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. Reliability can be measured and quantified using a number of methods. Maybe we have ancestors in common? we, the people" (HA!) I would never encourage or allow a student to use Wiki as a source for a paper or a project, etc. emotional, objective, professional, etc.)? The Clarks are very prolific and that is my original surname. Of corse I've been immersed in politics for so long, over 30 years, that I know a lot of this stuff already -- like those guys in the toll booths -- they can pick up the right amount of change without even looking because they've done it so many times and for so long. Reliability - Is the source of information reliable? I agree that we should verify everything and as I wrote in my hub, read many different sources in order to get the best picture of what is going on, or what happened. Practice: Ask several friends to complete the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. To consider some warnings about ‘official data’ 5. Answer: It isn't that difficult to research issues online and to determine if news is truly fake or not. Can the end users trust what is on the financial statements? "The dumb always 'out bread' the smart . Then weigh all the information you find . When in doubt, check it out. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on September 06, 2013: Moonlake, thank you for reading and commenting on this hub, for voting on it, tweeting it, and sharing it too, and I appreciate your sharing your thoughts too. Accuracy • Is the site generally well written? Is the politician you trust most really telling the truth? Most of that is opinion and even plain gossip. You are so correct in that biases undoubtedly come out over time even if a person tries their best to report "just the facts" and nothing but the facts. Therefore it is the responsibility of the seeker and/or user of the information who should verify that the information is accurate. Most people do not look for the truth. Freedom of Information. Is the name of the author/creator on the page? Where data is collected, quantified or evaluated, reliability refers to the ability of the data gathering process to provide results that are consistent and within expected ranges. The same when we hear friends, family, or other people in our midst talking about things -- do they know what they're talking about or are they just repeating what they've heard elsewhere with no idea if it is fact or fiction? If a questionnaire used to conduct a study lacks these two very important characteristics, then the conclusion drawn from that particular study can be referred to as invalid. The following type of tests is conducted for measuring validity. My big concern is with the general public accepting anything in print or on television as accurate -- including forwards in their email. :( ). If the website is owned and maintained by Harvard Medical Center or similar, chances are good the info is credible. so we have something to reference when they do nothing they claimed they would. ." What do you know about the person who wrote that ‘forward’ you received in your email? I recommend a book called "The Influencing Machine," a history of media and bias, by Brooke Gladstone, one of the editors of NPR's radio show, "On the Media." English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus. Reliability of Wikipedia entry for Coronin Introduction The reliability and accuracy of the information on Wikipedia has been disputed as with any information source with anonymous authors. Whether you like it or not, listen to news that is slanted both liberal and conservative so that you get a better picture of what is happening. If there is a link to a homepage, is it for an individual or for an organization? In evaluating any information source, it is necessary to separate fact from opinion. When I was a child my mother said "you can trust what you see 50% of the time and what you hear 10% of the time" and now it's all making sense. I especially like the study of social psychology, which explains how this manipulation is done. Does your favorite celeb really know what s/he is talking about? Our senses and thoughts are constantly being bombarded, every waking minute of every day, by sights and sounds, smells and tastes, ideas and rhetoric, advertisements and news stories. • Is an author identified as being Accuracy Checklist Social media can provide instant news faster than traditional news outlets or sources and can be a great wealth of information, but there is also an ever increasing need to verify and determine accuracy of this information. I believe that people who are honest about their agendas (to make money) are much better off than those who pretend that things are said and done for God or country. Question: How true is the information presented through the media? Knowing where an author is coming from is important in judging what they have to say. I think maybe because so few people really understand our politics or bother to look below the surface. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on February 22, 2014: Peggy W, thank you for pinning this article! Answer: Starfish Prime was a nuclear test. �O8VG�~�/82�qi��rwNEĂ�G�;b��.�i��. Opinions cannot be verified because they are not facts. Big business and advertisers do the same as does our government. A ccuracy: Determine the reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content. You are correct in that I am in the U.S., Texas to be specific, but I am not a Texan. Anyone can write anything they wish pretty much anywhere. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on May 16, 2013: Paul Kuehn, thank you for reading, commenting, voting on, and sharing/tweeting/pinning this article! Primary and secondary sources The value of this distinction depends on which of the different definitions of primary and secondary adopted. 1. Most people, most of the time, adopt heuristics refined by experience. Medical advise is given best by people with no medical background . Another study published in 2014 in PLOS ONE found that Wikipedia's information about pharmacology was 99.7% accurate when compared to a pharmacology textbook, and that the completeness of such information on Wikipedia was 83.8%. As John Taylor of the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research … What I am wondering, is if you distrust the media, with whom are you checking the facts? Margaret Perrottet from San Antonio, FL on February 12, 2013: Good article, reminding us of the importance of checking your facts. Information presented as facts by these institutions carries a lot of weight. 21. I can be very sarcastic and I have a dry sense of humor most often. Never imagine that a lot of people saying or believing the same thing means it is accurate or correct. One cannot legally pose as a medical doctor and give medical advice if one is not a licensed physician, for example. I am going more on the instruction and opinions of people who work in political science and have done for many years. He went on to become an attorney — he’’s the man I’m writing about in my hub titled “This High School Dropout Went to Harvard! To offset the lies they choose to believe are truth, they vote for someone who will bring their fear into being without realizing they are playing right into the hands of the real enemy. Unfortunately, at close to 60, those sources have been proven wrong over and over again, where I just do not believe what they print. Basically, the chances for a more accurate test result increase with a better sample," she noted.-Stay up-to-date on the biggest health and wellness news with our weekly recap. Excellent Hub. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on November 22, 2011: It's true that none of the sources I gave are perfect, but they do come as close as possible to getting things right, which is why they continue to enjoy the trust of most people. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on March 21, 2017: Ronald Q. Crossman, thank you for taking time to read and comment on this article. I am extremely careful to question, check and validate...just about everything. Tell me something I haven’t heard before and if you can back it up with solid reference, I may even change my mind about something. As you stated in this hub, before reading an article try to get a gauge on the past agenda of the news source. With time and diligence one can learn most of the truth by learning which sources are most credible and dependable, but it always pays to keep an open mind and to use critical thinking even if what you're learning is from your best friend, your favorite author, favorite news anchor/TV station, favorite newspaper/magazine, or anyone at all that you look up to. In fact, I have searched for a particular picture I have of her (when she was much younger, closer to your age bracket) because I was going to try to email it to you. I would go to our respected institutions like universities, colleges, and various government departments as well as known authorities on various subjects and issues to get reliable information. The other car had the same or lower rates than the others. Even when I think I already know something, before I spread the word through my writing or conversation, I research to make sure. Just because you heard it on television or radio, does not make it true. Also our news agencies that have proven themselves, like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and so forth. If the site name ends with .edu, it is most likely an educational institution. To learn what is meant by the validity, reliability, and accuracy of information 4. Thanks again for your input. Is the site just linking to sources? The only time I’m not open to listening is when I’ve heard the same old song before. The information here is exactly what is included in the guide I was required to buy and learn when I took my college writing courses. For some reason people tend to accept whatever these email forwards say without question, never even wondering who originated the ‘forward’ or whether there is even a single word of accuracy in them. I am not an intellectual snob and I have gone to Wiki at times to gather some general information before I CONTINUED my research. C E Clark (author) from North Texas on July 19, 2016: Robert Sacchi, thank you for sharing that experience. This is something you learn from doing a lot of research and reading. I highly recommend listening to a variety of credible news sources whether they share a person's ideologies or not. Did you mean out breed? The truth, to the extent one can even determine the truth, will usually be somewhere in the middle between what you learned from the various sources. Hence, the job of maintaining accuracy in data entry assumes utmost importance as this information is being used by businesses for making key decisions. Listening to just one or reading just one is little different from knowing nothing at all. Answer: I have listed several sources of dependable information in this article. But how do researchers know that the scores actually represent the characteristic, especially when it is a construct like intelligence, self-esteem, depression, or working memory capacity? Try however hard you wish, but your opinion will come out in little ways, sometimes very obfuscated as you say, but it will be there never-the-less. Why? My main purpose is usually to inform and then let people form their own opinions and thoughts on the subject. The Onion is one of those, but there are many others. We do know that it belongs to a group of "fancified" words that were particularly popular in the American West in the 19th century. She was beautiful and as smart as you too! Fort Worth, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998. 2018 Oct 15;14(10):1717-1723. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.7380. Remember that you can't believe everything that you read. . The raciest would have us believe that President Obama and the Democrats are responsible for "W" every action the 2 years before President Obama was elected. It's no wonder we're all in such a mess. The only people who will be impressed with your misinformed opinions, whether written or spoken, will be people as uninformed as you are, so take the time to be as accurate as possible and to get the facts. If it is a politician, they want you to support them and their political Party so they can win the majority of elections and determine the direction the country will take for the next few years. At least then, big decisions won't be made which are counter to the majorities comfort zone. 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2020 reliability and accuracy of information